Monday, May 28, 2012

  • So, let me start this 'Story' out with where I was born.  In , Queens, NY. I was the 4th of 5 children.  I have 2 older brothers, and 1 older sister, and one younger then me, by 3 years. My Dad, was working in a gas station , in Flushing, and we were living at my Grandparents.  It was crowed, but we ate and had plenty of toys, and a big Park across the street. My, grandfather,  suggested my Dad get into some kind of school..(especially if the babies kept coming).. So, with that he enrolled in an Electronics course, and from there the ball was rolling...Before long we were moving into a beautiful 4 bedroom house out on Long Island!! Where we had every thing you could think of.. Of  course my Mom, wanted everything too, and so, we had the best furniture, cars and boats, and a telephone in every room, even my closet.. Well, I moved from my baby sisters room to my older sisters room, when we found out we had more in common.. I began smoking cigarettes, and then pot... I was hanging out with all the older crowds anyway.. I began to have my own circles of friends.. We would all end up down at the Park.. or down to a big patch of woods, we called Mills Path.. We would ride our mini-bikes, and a few would drive there vans and cars back in there , and we would hang out for hours.. till the wee hours of the night.. No questions asked.. I know from the time I was 11,  till I was 15.. It was party-time.. I was over weight, and I was getting fatter., and my 1 older brother let me know this everyday!! From they day I found out we were moving to Virginia, I started to diet , and exempt my self from my moms dinners, and make make my own.. and I began a stiff regiment of exercise.. I was brutal..on myself.. I would ride on my stationary bike for 2 hours,(in which I remember my dad walking by a few times telling me I was going to wear my knees out), and then I would  go out walking, then to the local pool, (once we moved), and then go out and party with my new found friends.. I had lost in 65 lbs. in 6 months. I was feeling success!! And I was getting compliments and Dates!!. I look back now and see the  very poor choices I made in men , and friends.. I just thought I was so independent and unique.. Oh I was.. nobody was going this way!! I was heading downhill.. So, with the partying came a lot of obstacles, and crushing heartbreak, and heartache.. one after another.. I would not minimize the pain in my heart , but I had to move on.. and from there, I fell into, a relation ship I felt I had the upper hand in.. It took my house to burn down, and one guy  to leave me,  and that was when I met T. and his Christian Mom.. She was old and preaching a message 'of Jesus Christ'.. I was totally.. unintrestested.. Until the real bad fighting, and physical abuse on both our parts started.. I began running to her.. Then, I moved out from T and my townhouse, and was living with someone who was a dealer.. and we were busted.. I was charged with 'accomdating, and was sentenced to 6 years.. I knew something was going to change.. I messed up, I began going to a Christian Church with Mom H. I went to the alter and gave my heart to the Lord, and I prayed to quit smoking, and so on... then, I was sentenced, and thrown into a 4'by8' foot cell, with 24 smelly , and very loud,women.. Stripped of my jewels ,and all my wonderful clothes, I was given a Bible!! I understood.. I was very thankful, to hear so clear from the Lord.. I could be anywhere else, and ended up dead, or in an Asylum.. but here was a 2nd chance, and lots of time to get to the bible in English, not Hebrew, (lol).. which it had been but now the Holy Spirit was there to give me understanding, and guidance ,with all the tie in the world to read.. that's exactly what I did, with all these wild women around me, I just had to get through this . I had no idea when I getting out, but eventually, 7 months later. I was freed, midnight on Valentines Day 1990, T was waiting outside for me!!! It took a few days living at his home , that I should not be there.. so I packed up and moved, We still saw each other.. See, his testimony is also incredible, and as I had been incarcerated, he was now getting planted in the church, I was going to go to.. There he  made a bunch new friends, and I was not a real people person, so I had issues to deal with.. Well, this is where I went for the next 12 years.. and I  was out to be a shining witness for the lord.. I ended up in the Streets of New york,Times Square , and Penn Station.. the very places I was copping pot from,... I also ended up in Honduras, doing Puppetry, and Pantomime's, and street witnessing. I went to Hawaii, with Pastor Chuck Smith's Senior Pastors..Skip Hizic, and Greg Lauri, are some of the leaders I met , and started a Honolulu Calvary Chapel..I missioned on the streets of London..England < and I drove through Wales Great Britain... as well.. So, I have prayed the Lords Spirit was with me to minister to whom he was drawing near to him..I had a  time to come back to my home base church and see the deceit and although, to the pure all things are pure, I began having really bad stomach problems.. and I went for years feeling like a burden,,, I see now why I had left.. I went to the doctors, and all kinds of GI's.. and there was nothing they could find.. I stood all day cutting hair, and then I would run 3-7 miles every other day, and Rollerblade everyday for 45 minutes, and then Tae-bo, with Billy Blanks, and then ride my Mtn. bike to cool down.. So sitting still.. was not what my body did well.. so, with the pressure of jealous women, and an assortment of weird men trying to get married I left, oh ya the Pastor, married a 20 years old virgin 6 days after his wife of 30 years passed away, by the way he was like 59 at the time.. I was disturbed as well as several other families.. we, picked up roots and left..I have had 'seeping out of the wood work', many stories, from the actual victims, come forth to talk to me about other activities going on there.. I only think It was to confirm, my leaving.. I did wander, and without much 'Zest',for some 9 years.. but in the last year. I realize now at 51  why.. I am in  full pursuit.. of a much stronger, and better relationship with the Lord. I have grown in many ways, and have learned to love people and do for others, (knowing it is onto the Lord I do this, and If I get hated for doing so, I am at peace with it..) and forgive and forget, not in a 'legal' way, but in a kinder way.. I see the way I went , and I can see where "He" is leading.. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

"Burning Down the House"

I know to this day, the day that song came out.. August 24th ,1984. I had been back form Los Angeles about a year or so, and I was living with my boyfriend. Yes the one who flew out to L.A, and still the one who had tried to kill himself..  well, we had one more round to go before it would 'totally' be over.. I remember just catching him with other girls..ugh, that brings back bad memories... I even left to stay at my moms apt. and I would try 'the visit him every so often' plan.. Well, that's  when I would find someone creeping out the side door!!, I actually whipped some14 year old ass..I mean I beat the crud out of her, all the way across the front lawn, and to the main road!!! I ended up getting arrested.. and so did my boyfriend, and his friend!! Well, I remember the Police coming for me the one afternoon, and taking me way down the road.. but that night a buddy of mine picked me up on his Harley.. that's the way to get home, I remember thinking.. Well, then the next 4-5 days we found out the lil sleaze had a warrant out on those 2 guys.. So, we had to hide them in our attic, until we had a plan.. (an Attorney).. Sure enough one night, there were helicopters, and dogs, and every tree in the yard had a Cop, and a shotgun behind it.. Those cops came and busted in,with those dogs, and went straight upstairs to the attic entrance,, and they pointed there guns at the ceiling telling them to come down slowly.. and with some delay.. the ceiling door slid over, and out come these 2 big guys.. sweating.. and then the dogs were called off, and they were hand cuffed, and taken to Jail.. I had bonded out, but they could not be bonded for there offenses were 'Serious', Well, we had a speedy trial, and the 'girl' dressed like a little girl.. had all this pink crap on,and bows in her hair..  She was asked to get on the stand.. and the judge's face went from a listening 'passively' to one of shock and horror, when she opened her mouth.. Every other word was "f' this and she is a 'F'n blah blah blah, talking about me.. He just saw her real side.. and asked her how she got in my house?, and she replied she broke the window , on the side..( Well.. I be.. a monkeys uncle!!) I do believe the next words aside of : Case Dismissed!!! Were if she was ever found on my property again, I would have all rights to call 911, and have her removed.. If I wanted..!!!  Okay well, that was me , I was taken care of.. Next was my boyfriend, and his friend.. they were found guilty, but of lesser offenses, because she lied about her age to them.. and (duh) the said they believed she was 27.. (yeah) So, I stood by him the next 6 months, and he had gotten out on "work-release), So, I would go up to the barn and see him..after work.. Then, he finally got out.. We were still having a time getting along.. and I believed, by now, he had met this girl, who was a cashier at the local convient store. I went in there once and saw her just 'gleaming' when she seen  him!!! I knew something was up!! Sure enough, the next few days, I did'nt see him.. It was the end of July, and 4 days went by, and he never called or came home.. Well.. I paid the rent, and read up on the 'desertion of a lease'. I found I had rights to this contract now.. So, when he didn't show up... I could legally have him pack his stuff and go.. which he did!!!. So, a month or so later,, we were apart, and I had been cleaning up the property, and I had the Kerosene lamps professionally maintained, and refueled for winter.. and I had just gotten them back, and put them in the spare room. I rememeber cleaning the whole house..just the way I liked it.. and some freinds, called me and asked me to come out and Party.. I had not been going out.. I, just had buddys over , we would party on my front lawn.. Well, my boyfriend and I had a few ugly conversations.. He wanted his wood stove, and tools, blah blah.. I was like 'come and get it'.. He never did.. but that night, the 24 th of August, I decided to go out with these people.. We went across town. As we were at their house'partying', the stereo wires started to burn and smoke??.. I was like cut it off, and I began to diagonis the problem.. and fixed it.. That was like at 1 am.. remember that.. because at that momment , my House was in flames!! I found that out the next day.. Well, anyway, we partyed till around 5 am.., when I decided lets get me back home.. and one of the guys gave me a ride to my house.. I was walking up to the front door when I noticed these gatorade bottle , and boxes all over. I said man, he had a party while I was gone.. and as I walked through the opened front door.. I looked up, and saw the whole top of the roof, and up the steps was BURNT-UP!!!! and a huge hole was blown in the 2 kerosene lamps Blew-up!!! I have a photo of the 5 hour alarm fire, and 7 counties ("fire squads',and trucks.).On my front law.  I had my friend drive me up to the phone booth..(lol,  I used them alot  in the day) I called the police, and they knew who I was, and in fact said, We have been looking for you!!.A person who knew I resided there,  had come up the road, and asked about me, and when they said, there was knowbody..(litterally) in there.. she was relieved.. So, when I called they had plenty to tell me.. So, I was to go back to the house, and wait.. I made a few calls, to my boss, and  my sister, and she came immediately, and we were standing in the kitchen, which hardly burned , but, it was caked with ash, and water.. Well, I had the radio on, and thats when I hard the song...'Burning down the house"!!!.. My sister  and I looked at each other, and laughed.. I opened a bottle of champagne I had in the fridge, and I remember saying 'cheers', 'one door closes and another one opens.. And it sure did.. Later..that afternoon the Red Cross met up with me, and gave me coupons to go get clothes and and a place to stay.. I was saddened, I did'nt want to leave,, that was my home.. I had a bid garden with all kinds of Veggies.. It hit later that week, and when the Fire Marshall told me that he watched very carefully that night who was driving by the house.. Arsonists always return somewhere.. to watch there fire burn.. I was like really.. Yep.. and he saw My boyfriend , and his new girlfreind drive by.. He said he knew them from the other side of town,, and a rumor went through a party he was at the night before they had ..her ex-husband set my house on fire..!! well, more on hat later..

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Walk for a good cause....

I remember  my sister and I signing up for a Muscular Dystrophy 20 mile walk-a-thon. It was in Los Angeles, and she talked me into doing it with her. I had been partying pretty hard. I was not working out as I had once did. Nevertheless, I agreed. Well, just one note on our preparation-none.. I did not even have sneakers..  She did though. So I took a pair of stockings, and slid into her tiny(3 sizes to small) sneakers.. See , my  toes go out , and her feet turned in.. so that was a crunch, to begin with. Well, we set out for the Cerritos Comm. College, and we signed up. We had such enthusiasm, and gusto.. We were going to finish this.. and then go and but fish, and veggies at the market, and cook this great dinner!! Well, I would say about 5 miles into this my feet were hurting.. about 12 miles into this I took those sneakers off.. I walked another 2-3 miles and my stockings were shredded up to my knees, and these were knee- hi'  I remember having my sister tell me to look!! Look that guy just flashed me, in that white van!! I would go to look, and he wasn't doing anything, he was following slowly, but I never seen anything.. (she always saw these guys  do odd things in there cars, to her.) I never did.. So, we seen him trying to talk to this young girl in front of us.. and we told her to walk with us,  she did until she tired out.. Well, we were starting to really feel the pain of this walk !! So, we decided when we did get home we would just make salads, with what we had in the fridge, and by the 15th mile we were saying we would slap a sandwich together, the heck with going shopping, and or tossing a head of lettuce.. Well, we were nearing the end of this walk, and my bare feet were so Sore!!! I was hobbling  so bad!! I had to finish though..20 miles is long way to go when your out of say the least!!! Well, we were down to our last mile, and we were hurting.. but, we still were starving.. so the last 5 minutes of this walk, I said we are going to call the pizza man to deliver, and I ran to the check-Out point.. with all I had in me, and signed out.. with hat I received a gift.. a key holder for my house key when I did go running.. It would slide onto my shoe lace, cool idea.. only I never did use it.Even in my most diligent days of running, and rollerblading. Well, we got into the car and I could not even work the clutch my knees, and feet were so sore!!!  I worked it though on the side of my feet.. I was determined to get home!!! We were both so sore for the w/e we did not do a thing.. I forgot about that walk.. Until I heard an ad for a 20 mile walk on the radio the other day... I would not even attempt it w/o my size sneaker, and good athletic socks!!! Later

Sunday, January 1, 2012

So, I had been back from Florida, and came through that really bad relationship, and car accident. I remember saying I am done with guys' !! I even had made friends with one of 'his' (my ex's) girlfriends!! She is in fact the one who filled me in on his where abouts while I was being hospitalized, and in the following months, she told me she received roses,from him on her birthday.. 4 days before mine, in March.. I did not even hear from him.. I remember in the Spring at like 11 pm he called me asking me to meet him in Leesburg, VA about a 25 -30 minutes form my house.. I jumped up and said Id be there.. I had no money, and no gas.. I remember using a gas can with 2-3 gallons in it.. for the lawn mower, and as I was putting it my little car,I bought with some of the accident money.. my dad drove up... he was like like, Patty what are you up to?.. I told him I was going to meet tony.. he just shrugged his shoulders.. I think he thought after all I had been through , he would never be mentioned again.. So, I drove off.. into the night down a very long lonely hi-way in the late 70's.. Now.. I don't think there is a mile of land not built on... I finally get there, and waited hours, i tried to call his house, and no answer.. I was so sad.. I drove back home.. and cried..  all night.. I was still so stuck on him.. I finally, heard from him and asked him where he was.. he said he fell asleep...!!! How naive of me.. Well, I did not see him for a few months, I think we hooked up one nite, and talked and played around, and that was it for a year or 2.. I began waitressing at the local Pizza joint..I was working with Lynn, Tony's old girlfriend..after a few months she asked me to move in. She was getting an apt. around the corner.. Well, I agreed. She was a bit of a  'hyprocondract'.so she knew all the phone numbers form the EMS to the emergency room at the local hospital.. I will explain why I put that in ..So, with all the construction men, coming in for lunch.. I met this tall brown eyed ,laid back,strong as an ox guy.. We flirted for a couple of weeks, I had seen he had this loud mouthed hot tempered girlfriend.. she would be yelling real loud,when she came in to the pizzeria.. and sit next to him.. I figured I would wait that one out.. finally a day came, he was alone..with his boss.. and asked me out.. We went to the local convenient store, and bought beer. I had my stash.So, we would drive around.. and I found out he was home less.. so, we would go to my dads house, where I would let him shower, eat.. and get cleaned up. I remember, being asked to work with him, and I quit my waitressing job, to begin a career, in Landscaping.... I was making pretty good money.. and believe me , I earned it..but I loved being outside..  this company.. STM Landscape and designs.. was totally the Company to be with in 1979-, 1980,1981,1982 we had every apt complex in Reston .and Herndon, and most of the Hotels, and Big businesses.. We did it...all. We lived and partied hard.. I found us a Lil shack in the back end of town, I mean literally, it was an old chicken coupe, and my landlord looked like Uncle Fester from the Addams I mean the dark circles and the big fur collar,on his coat.. I laughed.. ,but the rent was just right.. $225.00 a month.. Well, I left my Fathers beautiful 4 bedroom 4 bath, Cathedral ceiling, and all the privacy I could want.. for an old Shack.. Which I found out one night, my boss was going through the hallway.. and I tickled him from behind in his ribs and he jumped and fell into the wall laughing.. and busted the wall up!! And there were chicken feather flying everywhere.. we looked inside laughing our buts off, and the chickens wire was all inside the wall.. Also, when you see the picture of the house I took for a photography class, you can see where he built onto it.. , Wow.. he is a rich man..he had several other properties.. too.So, the year of me trying to make a house a home.. I gave it all I could.. with all my prized positions, and my boyfriends few things.. I had the usual battles.. I wanted a clean house..It caused so many arguments.. I through  a lighter at the slob one night at dinner and the kitchen table was on me the next thing I knew.. what a mess.. for a bout 2 years.. I was so high one nite, and I met up with my friend Lynn.. and she was in her apt. and said she could use  another person, well.. it was November, I packed up my belongings, and me and my pick-up truck set on 10 miles down the road.. I remember it began to snow.. and it was cold.. we had a wood stove.for heat.. and some electric heaters.. I remember saying I left my dad's beautiful home,with Central heating and A/c for this?.. I had to go,, This could not be my life..So, I packed up and moved into  this apt. I was going out to the K-mart after I unpacked my room, when I see in  my headlights, my boyfriend standing at the corner of my Apt. the Snow!! He was holding something.. So, I stopped to pick him up. I said get in the truck.. are you alright? He was not..he was furious, and sad.. He could not believe I just up and left.. I said it'll be okay.. I just need to be on my own.. I asked what was in the box, he said a pool stick.. he was going to shoot pool.. I said "oh yeah?' Let me see.. It was a gun !! I was like what are you doing with that.. he said nothing I was just going to have it for protection...... Well. I took him home the house, and I it was real empty, and I told him again, and again it will be fine.. I even tucked him in.. kissed him goodbye and headed to k-mart.. I then headed home too.. Well, around 5 am I get a phone call.. saying faintly, it was my boyfriend, saying his brother-in-law shot him , and to call an ambulance!!! I was like what, why?.. and the phone went dead!! I was like Jo, can you call an ambulance, and I will meet you over at the house.. well like I said earlier..she knew the numbers.. for some reason I don't think 911 was an option then.. So, I got to the house in a flash, and his car was running.. and the windshield was all shot out. and the door to the car was opened, I looked in and seen the 22 rifle laying on the floor , and what a bloody mess it was.. so I ran up to the front door, and more blood, and the keys were still in the door knob, and,and the door was opened, and ran inside, and there was no electric.. I went looking for him. I went into the kitchen and the phone was on the floor and in the moonlight I see blood all over the handle of the phone, and down the wall.. and as I get to the bedroom, I hear him moaning.. I was like what happened?? !! He said Tracy,(his sisters husband) a PCP, and drug user..who never really liked either of us.. Well.. I was looking for some wound when the policeman came in and turned him over and shined the flash light on the 2.. bullet holes.. 2 entry wounds, and one exit wound.. not good.. through his intestines..what a sight to see.. well.. they took him out on a gurney, and we rode to the hospital..It was hours, and hours before I seen his mother.. mind you she did not like me either to say the least.. She is a Jehovah witness, and was fighting him receiving blood.. Well, I had been living with him and I said the heck with that .. I signed a form and said to do what you gotta do.. and I remember her pacing with with me in the same hallway , telling me I did not love him.. I though you rude woman.. you don't love him, here you are denying him the care that will make or break  his don't love him..I was point blank mad!! Well, the Doctor came out to talk to us, and said he is doing fine, still critical he lost some of his intestines, and a bullets was found in his lower back.. I finally got to go in an see him.. he was white as a ghost, and lost so much blood.. he must have weighed 125 pounds!! From a well built 225lbs. to 125.. I was so shocked.. Well, he going to have a bag tied to his side for around 3 months.. So, I talked to him, and he secretly told me he felt bad, and that he had inflicted this himself.. Although the police were in route to Tracey's house.. By the time they talked to him he was cleared anyway.. he had an established alibi. Plus, the the windshield was shot out, not in.. Our neighbors came forth and said the heard 2 shots in the back woods.. around 11pm that night.. the gas station at the Dulles airport turnaround, also put a call in at 10pm saying that there was someone in his car description that got gas and did not pay.., then a bartender.. who served him like 122.00 dollars worth of whiskey noticed he walked out on his bill.. So the pieces where coming together to solve this tragic story.. It was a cry for help!!.. So, I spent the next probably 5 months helping him get back to health, and before I knew it.. he was his anawry self.. In fact he was living at his sisters apt.. downtown Herndon, where years earlier, this black guy jumped out on my front wheel of my bike, and asked me my name, I said Kathy, and he said yeah, yeah your the girl who ratted my cousin Kieth Scott out..! I was new to area.. I said NO-Way.. I did not.. I don't even know him. and with that he punched me so hard in my eye!!! I just freaked ,and through my 10 speed so hi up in the air.. cursing this state... ( my bulldog of a sister, saw my black eye, and went out to hunt that guy down, in a 'bbbaaaad' section of town.. I only had to pass the opening of this complex to get into town.. so, I thought I would be safe.. well, an Attorney saw the whole thing from his desk,window, and ran to my aid.. Well, years later here I am going in there to visit my boyfriend.. who eventually found a girlfriend in the complex.. I went off to party, but months later we got back together.. , then.. I went to Los Angeles.. then I came back again.. and then he found a girlfriend, and burned down the house I was living in...that my friends is next..