Thursday, February 24, 2011

so there we were...In Fla.

So,  we cleaned this Trailer up, and then the next day or so we planned on going job hunting. Well this friend of John;s came over in a little Beetle Bug, and we squeezed into it. Well, were at all the restaurants, and Hotels. When this guy left us at the Days Lodge in, and said meet them at I-Hop at 1pm. We said okay..well 1pm came and went... 5pm came and went. remember no cell phones, no phones.. and we had only been at the trailer a day or two. We had to find our way back,by way of hitching, and walking 95 south at night, it was very treacherous, ,and dark.. we walked and walked and when we did get a ride all we could tell them was it was near  train tracks, and it was a trailer.. well there are hundreds of parks but we kept arrowing it down to ... us getting closer finally we were in one that looked like it, and around and around we went and finally we seen it !! 1 am in the morning we were at it!! So cool.. all our belongings, everything we own .. we found it!!! Plus we had the jobs at the Days Lodge Inn.. The next day we were going to start.. well we were there for a few months when I was asked to supervise, by my boss, Gerri.. she was so cool!I did that for a while, and something went wrong I am not sure what , because I remember John and me and Lisa , just being so broke, and hungry.. We went to Johns parents and picked bags of Oranges and grapefruits, and Tangerines, we ate so many of them.. and we got so sick.. for days.. Then we tried the Social Services that helped out a bit. and then, one night after partying in town with these people, we came home in the am and just feel out feet hanging off the bed, and all of a sudden boom bang ,, click.. we were being raided!!! Cops and Detectives everywhere.. hauled us out of there , and hand cuffed Kenny, John , and Jay..brought us to a Juevenile hall, and the guys went to jail. They searched and found everything.. even we were illeagal... so we had to go back to the trailer and pack our stuff up, and go to this home.. And call our parents.. Lisa's parents put an APB on us..and we were found.. See, kenny and me  went to a house that his mother had willed him.. before she died. And  one night when they-his family were eating dinner at the kitchen table, she died... Yep, she died, they called the ambulance and she was hauled away. The next day the father packed up there belongings and moved and for the next 21 years, his dad used this house for storage.. , and willie had the key, and took me there to show me.. and I was in amazement!! There on the kitchen table was the dinner plates, and uneaten pork-chops...skeletonized on plates, as it was that night!! So with that ..I was like look at all this stuff...I mean boxes of Dishwasher soap, crates of household stuff to the cellings filled the house,just apath through the living room to the bedrooms.. and then I saw these Quilts.. beautiful..and he said his grandmother  and mom made them .. there was around 10 of them , and I saw 2 that were so cool, and said take them.. I was like 'Wow".. they even had burlap in them, and the prettiest colors... I was so happy and away we went..,And days later that week, the house was robbed.. and his father blamed it on Kenny, and thats why we were raided. Well, Kenny had rights to be in there so every thing was dropped. We were all let go, and we went back to the Park, and Partyied!!!

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