Sunday, May 1, 2011

Elementary School...

It was the end of my 6th grade year, and I had some pretty bad habits... My friend Cheryl , and I were notorious for Smoking in the girls room. We had our Love BabyFresh, Perfum, and  when everyone else was in class we would raise our hands ,to be able to go to the girls room. We would roll a joint, and smoke it really fast, and then smoke a cigarette.. and spray a lot of Perfum, then go back to our classroom.
    Then , when it was time to go out to the play ground, for Recess, we would go to the farthest point of the grounds,where the fence came to a point , on Portion Rd.. and huddle and smoke.
    My Best firend and I, the one I took off for Florida with, used to walk  t this school, just so we could smoke, and eat our canned Chef Boyardee. This is when we planned on buying a Winnobago Camper, and I would drive and she would narrate.  Our destination was the Keys,  Florida. Our goal was to hop on a Cruise Ship, and be come waitress' for the rest of our lives.  I might have mentioned that....
      So, by 7th grade: My new best friend Terry , and  I were hanging out. All summer we were at the drinking hole,  Mills Path, Partying!!  I had been baby sitting, and cleaning these  homes, as I watched the kids.. The women, were so impressed, they would pay me like $60.00 bucks extra.. So I would be putting this extra money in an incense box, and I remeber at one time it was up to 3,000 dollars!!! I always had money and things, and dope.. I used to have so much 'stuff' my room was so cool. I would arrange these wooden, and marble stash boxes around my room, filled with Pipes, and papers, allkinds of stuff. No one would touch them, except my older sister.. I had this one lady I babysat for, she was a good 30 minutes away. I would get out of school a lot of times, because she would come in so late from her Barmaid job, and not want to take me home, so she would call in for me , the next day. I would stay there and wake up with 3 kids, and get stoned, and feed them breakfast, and stay with them till she got up.. I would end up going into her stash, that I found in a big Apple cookie jar, that is when I did have any at all. She would leave me ther some nites , and I would put the kids to sleep real late, and play Elton john-yellow brick road, so loud.. I had a blast!! Then, sometimes she would come home after midnite, and wake us all up, and we would have to pack these lil kids 4,3, and nikki 15 months old, and put them in the car, and drive me home in the dead of winter.. ugh.. Those kids were truly like mine.. I taught keith how to write, and graig,  I potty trained , and nikki I taught how to say words, plus a lot more.. They were so sweet.. and cute.. So, anyway. She was having an affair with the lead singer of the band, at her Bar, and soon became pregnant, and I  don't remeber what happened, but she did not need me anymore.. I wonder where they all are.. I try to Facebook them, but no use.. Okay I will be back later..

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