Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gym Teachers....

Well, in 5th grade , changing into these funky gym clothes became very Un-cool.. I was not going to wear  these little gold shorts with a stripe pattern on top, all sewn together... So, every time we had gym I found a way out.. I would sit out on the side  of the basketball courts. Unless of course we did softball, then I found energy to play.. and that I did. I would hit that ball out of the playground and run my fat, but fast but around the diamond !! Winning  alot of games.. It was not until 7th grade. me my best friend were going through the lockers, and taping Kotex up on the lockers.. and smoking in the showers, when the biggest woman I had ever seen, came screaming int the locker room, for us .. I shoved Fay into a locker with a mouth full of smoke..lol, and I blew my smoke up into the window, when I turned around that women had me  a foot off the ground, and her hands were around my neck squishing me against the wall.. asking me what I was up to... I just heard Fay saying she could not get out of the locker, and was stuck, and the gym teacher, let me down to turn to the locker, and try to get her out.. they were pulling on it and it just would not open, well, they called the Janitor, and he had to pry it open!! Well, from that time on, we were being watched. I remember getting off the bus and having half a cigarette, still, and I toke a drag, and I looked up, and a male gym teacher jumped down off the roof !!! Right in front of me, and I dropped my butt, and he startled me,, and said let the smoke out.. like 3 times, so I did, and he dragged me down to the Principals office after making me pick-up my but... I did get suspended 3 days.. that when Fays sister got pregnant.. my famous line.. was your going home to tell your mom your pregnant, at 15 1/2 years old, and I am going home to tell my mom I got caught smoking.. lol.. Well, I thought it was funny,, I did my 3 days of suspension.. and continued cutting classes..but I could pass a test like there was no tomorrow.. making it in to 8th grade..Yes, and Fays sister had her baby... a little boy.. I managed to get out gym for the next few years, because I remember moving to Va. and that was a class I had a choice whether to take it or not!!! I was liking that!!

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