Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Spring 1979..

So, I had been working for my Adult Ed Teachers Father,up on the Farm. When I did come home, I would waitress at the Andy's Pizzeria. I remember it was the busiest restaurant in town.. That is where I met my future boyfriend , and Boss.. I would wait on them everyday, and they would just joke and joke with me and leave these big tips!!! Larry , had these big brown eyes, and a very cool, and calm.. John, asked me several times to come and work for him and Mike,the other owner,,  That wouldn't happen until Larry and me were dating.. which did happen eventually. I did not think I would ever find anyone after, Tony, so dating was off. A Friend of mine at work, said give it a try,he is good looking and nice.. so, with some hesitation I did . We fell hard for each other.. I remember bringing him home , and dressing him up. My Dad would go to work, and I would let him in to shower, and shave.. he was living in his 64' convertible Chevy..So,  to give him some luxuries of home.. I would give him some of the best things I had access to.. I continued to Landscape with these guys, and was told "I was better then 3men on the jobs I did.. We had all the contracts of Reston , Va. Back then.. Week to week, we would work, and then go to the Bar and grill for dinner and lots of drinks!! Eventually, I found an old home for us to rent,125.00 dollars a month. It was actually an old chicken coup!! Our landlord looked like Uncle Fester, and he just added rooms onto this Coup.. I was walking behind John,in the hallway one day, and tickled him, and he fell into one of the walls, and these feathers came flying out, and we look deeper in the whole, and it was chicken coup wire..lol So, there we were setting up home.. we, would cut firewood, and sell it in the winter, and landscape through the summer.  One Thanksgiving Eve, Larry and I decided to pick-up my younger sister in New York, so that My dad, and us could have a holiday together...So, we bought us a couple of six packs, I packed my 2 beautiful  Quilts, I had gotten from Fla. and we headed up 95 N  to get my little sister.. I guess by the sum of the traffic, a lot of ppl. were doing the same... We hit this heavy patch of traffic around a town called Perryville,Md. as we came to a stop, I turned around to see if the ppl. behind us were going to see,and just as I did BOOM>>> BOOM 5x's...we got crunched, and  no time to think,I just got out, and started to throw our beer in the median ditch,, As I was looking at the 9 car pile up behind us.. Man , what a mess..!! I popped my trunk..some how..knowing my quilts where in there.. I had to get them. The ambulances, and police where coming.. Everyone seemed to be okay except the girl in the last car..she hit pretty bad, and hard..Her face and head had gotten really bashed, she was being cut out of her car and put on a stretcher.. While we were getting questioned.. We know we were stopped!! It was a bad place for a Toll Booth ahead!!! Man, no warning,  or sign.. So, we cleaned out our car,of what I could carry, and began walking to the nearest town.. We looked inside this Bar, with the door opened, and a big sign reading  "EAT !!" And some guy was like come on in... So, we did and we sat there as "Whiplash began to settle in.. and drank , that guy and his girlfriend invited us back to there Mobile home for the rest of the evening. We were able to sleep, and the next morning we prepared to hitchhike back to Reston...Hospital.. All we knew was we weren't feeling so good.. It took us most of the day to get rides back  to the Access Hospital, and when we arrived we were in bad shape!! To say the least, Larry a 6'4 , strong as an ox,just fell out on a gurney.. as for me , too. We were so ill.. So, the next few hours we stayed stationed there. Then we had gotten my mom to come and get us, and drop us off at our little home..Shew , what an ordeal. I woke up a day later, and began hammering the Insurance companies.. I would be dealing with the next few weeks. Well, that car , my dad and I had purchased for $950.00 Was worth $2800.00!!!, Plus, all the  Pain, and missed work for each of us.. We made out with about 6,500.00 bucks.. So I took my Dad's advice and put some 1,800.00 dollars in a CD and spent the rest, on  junk.. and a used truck!! Ford PU,  $500.00. That would be my  work PU. She was too.. F350 360 engine, with a Granny gear..lol.. So, back to work we went, and the Holidays came and went. And Spring Sprung again, and back to working Hard ,with John, Mike, and Larry.. Landscaping.. cutting firewood, and Drinking, and partying paycheck to paycheck!! Oh and fighting.. constantly..I remember, being asked to sweep some apt. parking lots.. I was so insulted. I was like  No way... I am a landscaper..,not a street sweeper.. I was making good pay..but just the thought made me cringe..I don't understand why.. but, John was ticked at me.. and his wife and I drove over to the job, and I sat on the curb!!! I refused... It was an on going joke after that,,, So, Karen saved my ass that day. But.. I saved hers the next day!!! We had 3 or 4 Tons of mulch coming in for an apt. complex, there in Reston,Va. It happened to be the hottest day of the year, and she and I were left with wheel barrels, and A mtn. of mulch.... and not soon after a barrel or 2 had gotten spread, she almost fainted and had to sit under a tree, and I-I spread that stuff out the rest of the day.. !!! I had been sweeping the last of it in a pile to throw on a garden, when I seen Johns truck coming up, and Larry and John. heard the story, and everything was done.. and we all left and went to the Bar and grill for a cool  place to eat dinner... I loved the hot weather.. I would acclimate, to the weather, and I would just keep going until it was done. So, I was doing pretty good, when John's company took a split, and Mike left. Then he did not need me anymore.. I went to the next company..Mark Winkler, who ended up buying Gulf Reston, and they managed all the apt. I had been doing with Johns company!!! I lead a crew, and ran a Back-hoe for Pete.. I pulled my weight...I could never be accused of 'not' . doing my and nine others work... lol.. I say , because I had heard a dozen times.. I did end up running a crew, for another Company... 22 guys under me... Only one guy did not like a woman telling him what or how to do something.. I did it in a very non-chu-lant way.. It was just a piece of a puzzle we had to put together.. by the end of the week, or day.. So he was leaning on his shovel  for  a long time.. and I said are you going to work? He mumbled, I ain't taking no orders for a girl.. I said well, if you don;t like it ..you can leave, and wiht that he dropped the shovel , and walked off the job.. I never saw him again..  Well, by the winter.. I was looking for a job.. again.. So, saw an ad for a Roofing Company. I went in for an interview, and got the job.. Larry and I were not getting along, and I was going to move out. I packed up all my stuff that day, and was going to move in with a friend.. Tony's old girlfriend..remember Tony?, well he and this girl(hypercontrac)  I mean everything in her body had some form of pain,and needed surgery... well the night I moved in, I was going to the K-mart, when I saw Larry hanging out  on our corner of the apt complex, in the snow, and cold, with a long object in a box.. I said what are you doing here . We lived on the other side of town.. He found out from our neighbors  where I went.. he was coming to do something.. So I asked him what was in the box, he said a pool cue.. I said show me.. It was a gun, he then said, 'I am going hunting.. well not much was said  after that. When I got him home I tucked him in and said this was for the best.. that I moved out. I thought he was okay with it.. so I went home and as  I was asleep, and at 5am ,Larry called. He said he ' he had been shot...' and to call an ambulance.. very calmly. Well, I knew Jo' my roommate was a frequent visitor to the hospital, and like Drama.. so I asked her to get one over there.. Then we  drove over there, we had gotten there 1st, I seen the car was running, and riddled with bullets.. I looked to see what direction they were going.. and  they were from inside to out... and the gun was on the console.. I then went to the front door, where there was a puddle of blood the keys in the door, and no electric.. I heard him groaning, in our room, to the right, and he said help.. and Tracy did it (his sister's husband) I was like OMG!! I was trying to get him warm.. and a cop came in w a flashlight, and pulled his shirt up, and shined the light on 2 wholes in his back one out the side and the other bullet had no exit sight!!! Shew, well, they worked on him all night.. He lost so much weight...265lb. man widdled away to like 155 lbs. and a back attached to him for the next 3 months.. Well, he ended up admitting he shot himself..out of depression,because I left.. I was stunned.. he was a strong , good looking guy.. he would be fine..well, it did not take long that he was up and running.. living with his sister,, he found some girl there.. I fought over him for a while.. and eventually won.. Then , found an old house on the edge of town. $225.00 a month!!! Well, I moved in a put some finale 'female' touches to it.. and it was home..for a while.I had gone to visit my Dad, in Los Angeles, Calif. and I was a partier.. and so LA might be the place to live... When I caught Larry with my best friend, and another young girl,,, I flipped , and went to live with my mom.. Larry, and me would make up.. but one day I caught that young chick, sneaking out of a spare bedroom. I whipped her but all the way down the steps, and across out front yard to the main road!!! Well, the next day I was arrested for assault,on a minor!!! 14 years old.. needles to say, Larry and his friend where no being hunted... for Carnal knowledge,,of a minor...Well,once I got bounded out.. I came hoe and minutes later..our house was surrounded by police, and dogs, and helicopters.. spotlights.. I was like Holy ----!!!! Well, Larry was in the attic.. and the dogs found him.. and he was saying things ,threatening things, and then asked to talk to me.. so I was let in, and assured him I would bond him out..Well, we went to court, My case went first.. and that lil whore got up on the stand, and was cursing, and  telling the judge she broke the window to get in.. well, that was enough.. the case was dismissed, and she was warned, not to ever come near me or my home again.. Even though I did not live there , I still was on the lease.. Well, the guys were next, and the judge knew she lied about her age to them.. saying she was 28 or something like that, and they got 6 months..with work re-lease.. Times were different back then..huh? Well, times were about to change, I was moving again..to Los Angeles!!!!

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